The Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry combines tradition in petroleum refining with the challenges of the present. The specialists trained in this school get trained in a wide range of fields, from those that ensure the energy security of the country, to those that ensure its sustainability.
The academic programs of the faculty cover training at all three levels of the Bologna cycle, enabling training of qualified engineers, able to find solutions to problems in the field of petroleum refining industry, and researchers trained to increase the level of knowledge in these fields.
The faculty has witnessed the transformations that took place in the Romanian society ever since 1948, being inevitably part of these changes. Thus, it contributed to the rise and affirmation worldwide of the Romanian crude oil refining and petrochemistry. The specialists trained within this higher education school have contributed to an overwhelming extent to the construction and development of the oil refining industry all over the world. Through them, many of the people who built their careers in this faculty have produced works that still a reference in the field.
The era of technology, the digitalization revolution and, consequently, climate changes influenced the structure of the faculty, imposing the development of new curricula to meet the new requirements of the 21st century.
Living in a world where language barriers are becoming insignificant, the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry has tried to meet this challenge as well. Thus, new academic programs in English, have been set up and we hope to create new opportunities to our candidates from Romania and abroad who will like to pursue their studies in a language that will prepare them for their future job, in refineries, where the common language is often English.
Offering both traditional and newer programs the faculty staff hopes to maintain a high level of specialization and to train graduates able to contribute to the sustainable development of our society.

The Dean Message
The Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry is one of the university’s oldest faculties. It represents one of the elite schools of Romanian higher education, aimed to instruct specialists meant to solve a pressing problem for the national economy representing energy security, but also a social problem, respective environmental protection, in order to increase the quality of life and sustainable development.
The faculty has well-trained and dedicated teaching staff that combines the experience of experienced professors with the ambition and enthusiasm of young professors, many of them trained at prestigious universities abroad.
The students of the faculty have multiple possibilities to enlarge their knowledge, being beneficiary of scholarships, practical training or internships programs, in Romania or abroad. Graduates of our faculty have been working in companies in the refining and petrochemical industry, research and design institute, educational institutions, governmental and non-governmental entities in the country and abroad. They belonged to an elite group of petroleum and gas engineers whose reputation has surpassed the borders of Romania.
Maintaining excellence in research is one of the priorities of the faculty, scientific research being focused not only on national, European and international projects and programs but also in the fields related to petroleum industry, petrochemical activities and environmental protection.
All these are important reasons why we would like to invite young people in search of a stable career to join us and study in the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry.
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. LOREDANA NEGOIȚĂ
The Petroleum-Gas Institute from Bucharest, established in 1948, included in its structure The Faculty of Crude Oil Refining, later on named The Faculty of Technology and Chemistry of Oil and Gases. Since 1975, this faculty was transferred to the Institute of Petroleum and Gas Ploieşti (later on named University of Ploieşti and, currently, Petroleum-Gas University of Ploieşti). Starting with the academic year 1990-1991, The Faculty of Technology and Chemistry of Oil and Gas changed its name to the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry.
The Faculty has benefited from the didactic, scientific and organizational contribution of some eminent professors, deeply devoted to the creation and development of the Romanian academic school of petroleum. A major contribution to the support and development of the Faculty was made by academician G.C. Suciu, prof. V.I. Robu, prof. V. Vântu, prof. S. Raşeev, prof. M. Bogdan, prof. C. Creangă, prof. R.C. Ţunescu, prof. I. Precup, prof. D. Săndulescu, prof. C. Ionescu, etc.
Since its establishment, more than 6600 specialists, of which over 670 graduates originating from 66 countries on all continents, have been trained in the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry. Graduates of the faculty have been working in the refining and petrochemical industry, various sectors of petroleum processing industry, research and design institutes, environmental engineering in industry, design and application hardware and software resources specific to the chemical industry, in education, governmental and non- governmental entities in Romania or abroad.
All the graduates of the faculty proudly acknowledge their membership in this elite group of engineers in petroleum processing, whose reputation has exceeded the borders of our country. Among their achievements we can mention: the designing, constructing and operating refineries in Romania and abroad (India, Jordan, Syria, Turkey, Albania, Algeria, Iraq, Egypt, Poland, etc.). Many graduates work abroad, a fact which illustrates a good training and its international recognition.
The total number of postgraduates of the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry is 452, of which 243 are foreign citizens. A number of 133 specialists (80 Romanians and 53 foreigners) obtained the title of doctor of engineering. 175 specialists from abroad graduated the UNESCO postgraduate international course, organized within the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry.
The foreign citizens who have graduated the academic programmes of the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry originate from Afghanistan, Albania, Algeria, Angola, Bangladesh, Benin, Bolivia, Bulgaria, Burundi, Cambodia, Czechoslovakia, Chile, China, Chad, Cyprus, Columbia, Congo, Korea, Cote d’Ivoire, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Egypt, Ethiopia, Filipinas, Gabon, Ghana, Germania, Greece, Guinea, Guinea Bissau, India, Indonesia, Jordanian, Iraq, Iran, Israel, Yugoslavia, Lebanon, Madagascar, Mali, Marroc, Mexico, Mongolia, Mozambique, Nigeria, Pakistan, Peru, Poland, Russia, Senegal, Syria, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tanzania, Turkey, Togo, Tunisia, Hungary, Venezuela, Vietnam, Yemen, Zaire.
The diplomas awarded have been and are recognized worldwide. Since 1997, the Faculty of Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry has been included in the FEANI index (Federation Europeene D’Associations Nationales D’Ingenieurs), which allows graduates to obtain the title of European Engineer EUR-ING based on the conditions imposed by FEANI.
Faculty board
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Popovici
Phone: +40 244 576211 / int.317
Fax +40 244 575847
Assist.Prof. PhD. Eng. Negoiță Loredana Irena
Phone: +40 244 573171 / int.291
Fax +40 244 575847
From Monday to Thursday, 13:00 - 15:00
Secretarial services:
Chief Secretary Maria Nedelcu
Secretary Elena Gîlcă
Phone number: +40-244-576211 Fax number +40-244-575 847
Mobile phone number: +40 725 351 817
Faculty Council
Prof.PhD. Eng. Bolocan Ion
Prof.PhD. Eng. Roşca Paul
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Bogatu Irina Liana
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Chem. Mihai Sonia
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Neagu Mihaela
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Oprescu Elena Emilia
Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Popovici Daniela Roxana
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Borcea Anca Florentina
Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Budeanu Maria Magdalena
Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Călin Cătălina
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Dușescu Vasile Cristina Maria
Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Manta Ana - Maria
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Movileanu Daniela Luminița
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Negoiţă Loredana Irena
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Nicolae Marilena
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Popa Maria
Drăgan Iustinian Ionuț - Student 2nd year, PPP
Petcu Mircea Constantin - Student 2nd year, PPP
Stan Robert Cristian Mihai - Student 3rd year, IPM
Sima Petronela Gabriela - Student 4th year, IPM
Grigore Lucian - Master student 1st year, TAPP
Micu Iuliana - PhD student
Academic programmes
Bachelor Degree - Chemical Engineering
4 years
- Petroleum Processing and Petrochemistry (Ro and EN)
- Chemical and Biochemical Processes Informatics (Ro)
- Safety and Food Control (Ro)
Bachelor Degree - Environmental Engineering
4 years
- Environmental Engineering and Protection in Industry (Ro)
Master Degree - Chemical Engineering
1.5 years
- Computer Aided Chemical Engineering Applied in Refineries and Petrochemistry (Ro)
- Advanced Technologies for Petroleum Processing (Ro)
- Chemical Engineering for Refineries and Petrochemistry (EN)
Master Degree - Environmental Engineering
1.5/2 years
- Advanced Technologies in Environmental Protection Engineering (Ro)-1.5 years
- Monitoring of Environmental Agents and Products Quality (Ro)- 2 years
Chemical Engineering