• Ultima actualizare: Monday 21 October 2024, 11:23


Petroleum Refining and Petrochemistry Faculty

Research teams

Research Projects

Research/development projects

1. Physico-chemical characterization of condensate from gas extraction wells.

2. Quantitative analysis of some heavy ash samples resulting from the technological process of the steam boiler no. 4 of CET-2, by atomic absorption analysis and gravimetric analysis, in order to determine the CaSO4 content.

3. Analysis of a sample resulting from the combustion of aggregates (sand and gravel) used to produce asphalt.

4. Corrosion studies of drill rods.


6. Chelatizers for micronutrients based on renewable resources (NUTRIL).

7. Basic design and engineering for the conversion of the Dioctylphthalate (DOF) to the Dioctylterephthalate (DOTP) installations.

8. Determination of drilling fluids properties.

9. Technical expertise services regarding the evaluation of the physico-chemical characteristics of the oils used in screw compressors.

10. Study to assess the conformity of components for fuels obtained by conditioning used oils and other hazardous waste (petroleum).

11. Research and technical expertise on establishing the reference price of crude oil extracted in Romania.

12. Study of different scenarios in order to establish the activity program of ROMPETROL REFINING - WORKING POINT VEGA REFINERY in unfavorable conditions for the dispersion of pollutants in the atmosphere.

13. Consistent grease manufacturing technologies.

14. Thermal energy analysis, thermal energy balances, Pinch analysis and optimization of operating regimes for technological installations, according to the installations detailed description made in the Annex of the present contract.

15. Technologies for conditioning petroleum products. Study of installation resizing of volatile components separation by distillation method.

16. Evaluation of the quality of lubricating oils based on the long-term oxidation test, testing of products BIO-SOLVENT, DEGREASER, GREASING AND COOLING FLUID.

17. Calculations regarding the determination of the maximum loss coefficients, specific to the storage, handling, distribution and transport activities, carried out at the Petrotel-Lukoil Ploiești refinery.

18. Study on the elaboration of scenarios in order to establish the activity program of S.C. UNILEVER ROMANIA S.A. under unfavorable conditions regarding the dispersion of pollutants into the atmosphere.

19. Calculations regarding the updating of the maximum loss coefficients specific to the activities of storage, handling, distribution and transport of petroleum products in OMV PETROM Deposits.

20. Root causes identification for the malfunction of the gasoline discharge ramp at the Petrobrazi refinery.

21. Studies to evaluate the quality of petroleum products based on specific laboratory tests.

22. Evaluation of the quality of lubricating oils based on the long-term oxidation test.

23. Measurements of VOC concentrations (volatile organic compounds) in S.C. OMV Petrom reservoirs.

24. Increasing the energy efficiency of biogas plants by developing the integrated system: biogas- microalgae - biofuels, within the concept of biorefining (algae Biogaz Concept Energy), Beneficiary PN - III-P1-1.2 - PCCDI - 2017 - 0541.

Research Scientific Events

It is our pleasure to invite you to participate to the 4th International Colloquium Energy and Environmental Protection during the 4th and 6th of November 2020, at Petroleum-Gas University of Ploiesti, in Ploiesti, Romania. The international colloquium aims to contribute to proposing solutions to the challenges nowadays refineries confront with and provide a forum for discussions and exchanging views with respect to all aspects related to energy, environmental protection and sustainable development.

Click here for details

Other information

Within the Faculty of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemistry, the project “Modernization, endowment and internal repartition at UPG Ploiești - Building I” is being implemented, supported from non-reimbursable founds through Regio (Regional Operational Program 20142020), within Priority Axis 10 - “Improving infrastructure Investment Priority 10.1 - "Investing in education and training, including vocational training, for the acquisition of skills and lifelong learning through the development of education and training infrastructures", Specific Objective 10.3 - "Increasing the relevance of tertiary education in relationship with the labor market and competitive economic sectors ”.

The total value of the project is 27,955,222 lei and aims to increase the level of education both by equipping the faculty laboratories with modern equipment and by restoring the educational spaces in the faculty so that they correspond to current requirements. Thus, following these works, the I building of the university, in which the Faculty of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemistry is located, will have its own thermal module that will ensure much more efficient heating of the rooms but also facilities in accordance with the latest requirements regarding the fire safety of this building.

The estimated date of finishing the project is March 2022.

Ultima actualizare:
Monday, 21 October 2024, 11:23