• Ultima actualizare: Monday 21 October 2024, 11:23

Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection Department

Chemistry Department

Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection Department

The Department of Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection has a major contribution to the foundation and development of the oil refining school in Romania and abroad. This department continues the activities carried out within two traditional departments, the department of Petroleum Processing Technology and Petrochemistry (initially Petroleum Technology), and the department of Chemical and Petrochemical Engineering, which merged in 2010. Notable personalities, founders of chemical engineering-specific courses and school creators were members and leaders of this department: Prof. Constantin Creangă, Prof. Sergiu Raşeev, Prof. Viorel. I. Robu and Prof. Gheorghe Claudiu Suciu, corresponding member of the Romanian Academy.

Currently, the department contains the following groups of disciplines: Physical - chemistry of petroleum, Petroleum processing technology, Catalysis, Petrochemistry, Lubricants technology, Reaction engineering and chemical reactors, Mass transfer processes, Heat transfer processes, Hydrodynamic processes, Simulation of chemical processes.

The opening towards new, related fields has contributed to a great extent to the continuous development of research within the Department of Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection. Condusting research in various fields such as: Synthesis, characterization and testing of catalysts and nanomaterials, Combating environmental pollution, Formulation of alternative fuels, Improving the performance of oil and petrochemical processes, Bitumen reformulation, Thermoenergy, Recovery of products from the petrochemical industry has proved effective for the emergence of new perspectives and for approaching new research topics. The continuous relationship between research and teaching has guarantee high standards of quality in both fields. The involvement of BA, MA and doctoral students in these research activities has also contributed to stimulating their interest in the addressed topics, renewing the exchange between generations and improving current scientific approaches.

The significance and quality of scientific research conducted by the members of the Department of Petroleum Refining Engineering and Environmental Protection are illustrated by a large number of articles published in high-profile scientific journals, international conferences and patents. Also, the research activity is carried out within projects financed by public funds and research contracts financed by commercial companies.

Department Director

Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Duşescu Vasile Cristina

Department Council

Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Duşescu Vasile Cristina
Associate Prof. PhD. Eng. Neagu Mihaela
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Matei Dănuţa             Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Movileanu Daniela
Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Negoiţă Loredana Irena

Members of Staff

Prof. PhD. Eng. Ciuparu Dragoş Mihael
E-mail:  dciuparu@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Prof. PhD. Eng. Cursaru Diana Luciana
E-mail: dianapetre@yahoo.com 

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Prof. PhD. Eng. Stănică Ezeanu Dorin

E-mail: dorsta@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Associate Prof. PhD. Bogatu Irina Liana
E-mail: lianabogatu@gmail.com

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Associate Prof. PhD. Dragomir Raluca Elena
E-mail: ralued@yahoo.co.uk

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Associate Prof. PhD. Jugănaru Traian
E-mail: juganarut@yahoo.com

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Associate Prof. PhD. Neagu Mihaela
E-mail: mihaelapetre@yahoo.ro

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Borcea Anca - Florentina
E-mail: anca_florentina@yahoo.com

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Duşescu -Vasile Cristina Maria
E-mail: cdusescu@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Fendu Elena – Mirela
E-mail: emfendu@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Filotti Liviu-Constantin
E-mail: lfilotti@yahoo.com

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Matei Dănuţa
E-mail:  danuta.matei@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Movileanu Daniela Luminiţa
E-mail: danielamovileanu@yahoo.co.uk

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Negoiţă Loredana Irena
E-mail: irena.negoita@gmail.com

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Nicolae Marilena
E-mail: mnicolae@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Popa Maria
E-mail: mpopa@upg-ploiesti.ro

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Consulting professors

Prof. PhD. Eng. Matei Vasile
E-mail: vmateiph@yahoo.com

Prof. PhD. Eng. Onuţu Ion
E-mail: iononutu@upg-ploiesti.ro 

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Auxiliary Staff

Comisel Liliana
E-mail: teava55@gmail.com

Pauna Madalina
E-mail: madalinaluisyannapauna@yahoo.com

Stan Razvan Nicolae
E-mail: stanrazvannicolae@yahoo.com

Vlad Victor
E-mail: [***]

Chemistry Department

Since the establishment of the Faculty of Petroleum Technology and Petrochemistry in 1948, there have been three departments of chemistry: The Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, the Department of Organic Chemistry and Petrochemical Technology and the Department of General and Physical Chemistry.

At present, the Department of Chemistry has staff specializing in the following fields: Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; General Chemistry.

Within the Chemistry department, distinguished scientists and professors whose research has been highly recognized at home and abroad; among them we mention: Prof. PhD. Docent Valeriu Vântu, Prof. PhD. Docent Mihai Bogdan, Prof. PhD. Eng. Dumitru Săndulescu, Prof. PhD. Eng. Flavian Cuiban, Acad. Ecaterina Ciorănescu-Nenițescu, Prof. PhD. Mihai Zapan, Prof. PhD. Gheorghe Bănățeanu.

The Chemistry Department is one of the basic departments in the formative process of students due to the nature of the disciplines it manages. Its members teach the following disciplines: Chemistry, Analytical Chemistry, Organic Chemistry, Applied Physical Chemistry, Instrumental Analysis, Electrochemistry and Corrosion, General Chemical Technology, General Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry, Air, water and soil pollutants, Green Chemistry, Advanced Analysis Techniques and Product Expertise, Management, monitoring and legislation of substances used in industrial processes, Ingredients, additives and adjuvants for food use, Management of recycling of by-products, Quality control of organic intermediates, surfactants and polymeric materials, Ion-selective electrochemical sensors and modern electroanalytical techniques, Ecomaterials, Food expertise, Pollutant analysis, Bioresources, Ethics and Academic Integrity.

The Department of Chemistry coordinates the BA programs in Engineering and Environmental Protection in Industry and Control and safety of food products and the MA program in Control of product quality and environmental factors.

Department Director

Associate Prof. PhD. Chem. Mihai Sonia

Department Council

Associate Prof. PhD. Chem. Mihai Sonia

Prof. PhD. Eng. Bomboş Dorin

Prof. PhD. Eng. Dumitrescu Vasile

Associate Prof. PhD. Eng. Popovici Daniela-Roxana

Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Manta Ana-Maria

Members of Staff

Consulting professors

Prof. PhD. Chem. Pantea Octav
E-mail:  poctav@upg-ploiesti.ro

pdfCurriculum vitae

Auxiliary Staff

Călin Elena 

Miraoiu Mona 

Trambiţaşu Amalia 

Voinescu Corina 

Ultima actualizare:
Monday, 21 October 2024, 11:23