• Ultima actualizare: Thursday 11 July 2024, 16:11

Analysis and solution of environmental problems

Our experts perform energy efficiency analyzes, the assessment of energy potential for renewable sources, studies the monitoring of the level of water, air and soil pollution and to provide solutions for environmental regeneration. Are also assessed the possibilities of using alternative fuels in various transport areas.

  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Popovici - responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Paul Roșca
  • Associate Professor Raluca Dragomir
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Mihaela Neagu
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Chem. Sonia Mihai
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Andreea Bondarev
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Cătălina Călin
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Biochem. Cătălina Gheorghe
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Movileanu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Loredana Irena Negoiţă
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa
Ultima actualizare:
Thursday, 11 July 2024, 16:11