• Ultima actualizare: Friday 26 July 2024, 08:10

Nanomaterials, catalysts and other composite materials

Within this research group are synthesized, characterized and tested the different forms of catalytic materials - solid catalysts and dispersed systems, inorganic nanostructured materials, carbon and boron nanotubes.

  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Diana Cursaru - responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dragoș Ciuparu
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Paul Roșca
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Stanică - Ezeanu
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng.Traian Jugănaru
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Chem. Sonia Mihai
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Popovici
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Emilia Oprescu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Anca Borcea
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Andreea Bondarev
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Cătălina Călin
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Cristina Dușescu - Vasile
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Rami Doukeh
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Ana-Maria Manta
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Dănuța Matei

Analysis and solution of environmental problems

Our experts perform energy efficiency analyzes, the assessment of energy potential for renewable sources, studies the monitoring of the level of water, air and soil pollution and to provide solutions for environmental regeneration. Are also assessed the possibilities of using alternative fuels in various transport areas.

  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Popovici - responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Paul Roșca
  • Associate Professor Raluca Dragomir
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Mihaela Neagu
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Chem. Sonia Mihai
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Andreea Bondarev
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Cătălina Călin
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Biochem. Cătălina Gheorghe
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Movileanu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Loredana Irena Negoiţă
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa

Food quality research

The team of specialists conducts experimental studies on food quality: pesticide determinations, physico-chemical determinations performed by chromatographic methods - GC/MS and spectrophotometric methods.

  •  Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Bomboș - responsible
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Traian Jugănaru
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Andreea Bondarev
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Cătălina Călin
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Cristina Dușescu - Vasile
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Biochem. Cătălina Gheorghe
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa

Energy recovery of by-products and waste

The team of specialists offers specialized consultancy for evaluating the possibilities of using by-products resulting from industrial processes for energy purposes, for the implementation of new thermal or catalytic technological solutions for waste recovery. Expert advice in the field of waste management in accordance with national legislation is also provided.

  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Stanică - Ezeanu - responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Ion Bolocan
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Bomboș
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Emilia Oprescu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Anca Borcea
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Rami Doukeh
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Cristina Dușescu - Vasile
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Movileanu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Loredana Irena Negoiţă
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa

Studies and technological design in the oil industry

The team of specialists offers solutions for a wide range of problems reported by the oil refining and petrochemical industry, from increasing process efficiency to reconfiguring existing facilities, adapting to the possibility of processing new raw materials or obtaining new products.

At the same time, our specialists have the necessary experience to design and optimize the performance of industrial processes, using special ways of modeling and simulation.

  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Paul Roșca - responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dragoș Ciuparu
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Diana Cursaru
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Stanica - Ezeanu
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Ion Onuțu
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Liana Bogatu
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Raluca Dragomir
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Traian Jugănaru
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Anca Borcea
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Cristina Dușescu - Vasile
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Elena Mirela Fendu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Dănuța Matei
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Loredana Irena Negoiţă
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Marilena Nicolae
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa

Analysis and characterization of petroleum and petrochemical products

Our specialists have expertise in the characterization of petroleum and petrochemical products, conventional and alternative fuels, lubricants and greases, gas flows and bitumen. They can also identify, based on their physico-chemical properties, the chemical nature of various products in the chemical industry.

  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Cristina Dușescu - Vasile – Responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Diana Cursaru
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Stanică - Ezeanu
  • Assoc. Prof. Dr. Liana Bogatu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Loredana Irena Negoiță
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa

Chemical thermodynamics

 The team deals with the determination of the physical properties of liquid mixtures of non-electrolytes, calculation of excess quantities and correlation/modeling of physical properties, determination of phase equilibria and processing of experimental data for liquid mixtures of non-electrolytes.

  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Vasile Dumitrescu – Responsible
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Mihaela Neagu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Alexandru Cameniță
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Chem. Maria-Magdalena Budeanu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Elena Mirela Fendu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Marilena Nicolae
Ultima actualizare:
Friday, 26 July 2024, 08:10