• Ultima actualizare: Thursday 11 July 2024, 16:11

Energy recovery of by-products and waste

The team of specialists offers specialized consultancy for evaluating the possibilities of using by-products resulting from industrial processes for energy purposes, for the implementation of new thermal or catalytic technological solutions for waste recovery. Expert advice in the field of waste management in accordance with national legislation is also provided.

  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Stanică - Ezeanu - responsible
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Ion Bolocan
  • Prof. PhD. Eng. Dorin Bomboș
  • Assoc. Prof. PhD. Eng. Emilia Oprescu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Anca Borcea
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Rami Doukeh
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Cristina Dușescu - Vasile
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Liviu Filotti
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Daniela Movileanu
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Loredana Irena Negoiţă
  • Assistant Prof. PhD. Eng. Maria Popa
Ultima actualizare:
Thursday, 11 July 2024, 16:11